Adam´s recruitment | 20 pers. | The Game | 13 juni 2014 | Teambuilding Den Haag

Dear Neverrest team,

thank you once more for organizing an amazing day for us last week! it was truly fantastic. We were surprised, amused, scared, inspired and surely exhausted at the end. You did a great putting everything together.

This is what my colleagues wrote:

David – Thanks for a SPYTASTIC day to all of the people at Mission Control. I can’t walk down the street now without feeling paranoid. A fantastically well executed day without any executions!! Perfect.

Jennifer – ”Hi Nererrest, You messed with our minds, tricked us, scared the hell out of us (with the Matrix man), teased us, stalked us, followed us, pulled our hair….. and we loved it!!!! 🙂 I personally had a wonderful experience and thank you very much for all the time and effort everyone put into it! It was great and you really played your roles well! I think its safe to say you really made our day! We were able to bond as teams and let our competitive juices flow…. Thank you! ”

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